All About Collagen Facials

Found working its magic in our dermal tissue, collagen is one of the most abundant structural proteins in the human body. It’s essential to many natural processes, such as healing wounds and supporting joint health but can also work wonders when applied as part of a facial. At our South Loop Spa, we may recommend a collagen facial treatment to address some of these common skin ailments:


Winter can wreak havoc on our skin’s ability to stay adequately hydrated. Whether you have chronically dry skin or it’s just a seasonal issue, a collagen facial is a great option for combating this condition. A collagen treatment will not only reduce the symptoms of dry skin, it is also likely to bring on a noticeable, flattering glow!

Premature Aging

UV rays, pollution, and stress work against our natural collagen. While we cannot avoid these forces altogether, an expertly applied collagen facial can help combat their undesired effects on our skin. A collagen facial will have a plumping effect on the face and improve elasticity for a more youthful texture.

Acne and Blackheads

Though some are lucky to leave acne behind in their teens, many of us are plagued with this issue well into adulthood. If you struggle to keep your skin clear, a collagen facial can help. As a key player in the healing process, collagen can be applied to help resolve troublesome acne and blackheads at a faster rate.

At LillieAnn’s Skin & Massage Therapy, we tailor our facials to the needs of each client. We may also recommend a collagen facial to treat inflammation, hyper pigmentation, and fine lines. Call us to make an appointment at 312.243.1940 or visit to book online.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Jan 31, 2020

How Facials Can Help Fight Acne

If you have acne you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to treat. You may have already tried every cream and home remedy available, but our South Loop skin care specialists encourage you to experience the various benefits of our facials. Here’s how we can help you treat acne. 


Dead skin cells are one of the many factors that can cause acne breakouts. The over-accumulation of old cells can clog pores, ultimately forming a pimple. Our South Loop skin care specialists have mastered the art of gentle exfoliation to help remove any dead skin build-up. This will help give your skin that special glow in addition to fighting acne. 


Keeping your skin moisturized, while removing excess oil is the key to keeping your face balanced and clean. Facials help your skin achieve the perfect range of moisturization for healthy, uncontaminated pores. Moisturizing facials also help keep your face plump and soft for an overall and immediate improvement. 

Remove Buildup  

Some facials such as LillieAnn’s deep pore facial are specially designed to remove existing impurities. These facials use techniques to extract the dirt, oil and buildup that accumulate within your pores. This helps target irritated areas and reduce inflammation in your face. 

It’s important to remember while facials have ample benefits, they probably won’t clear your skin in just one treatment. Our South Loop skin care treatments each have a different and specific purpose. The best way to fight acne is to schedule a series of facials at LillieAnn’s. To schedule your next facial visit us online at or call 312.243.1940.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Jan 10, 2020

How to Prepare For Your First Bikini Wax

Your first bikini wax can be a little nerve-wracking, but the results are always worth it. Follow these guidelines form our spa in the South Loop to ease your stress.

Before Your Wax

  • Grow Out Your Hair: The most important thing to do before your first wax is to make sure your hair is long enough. For optimal hair removal, your hair should be at least the length of a grain of rice.
  • Exfoliate: Using a gentle exfoliate before your wax is key for a great experience. This makes it easier for the wax to adhere to the hair instead of your skin, which makes the experience less painful in the long run.

During Your Wax

  • Breathe & Relax: While you might experience slight discomfort throughout your wax, it is best to stay calm and take deep breaths. Holding your breath will only cause you to focus more on the pain.
  • Keep Your Skin Taut: During the wax, your wax specialist will instruct you to hold your skin taut for certain strips. This will allow for the quickest and easiest results.

Wax Types

There are two different waxing styles at our spa in the South Loop but talk to your waxing specialist if you desire something different.

  • Bikini Line: In this wax, the professional will only take hair off the side and top of your bikini area. This means that if you are wearing a bikini, no hairs will be sticking out.
  • Bikini Full: Go one extra step and instruct your waxing professional to take as much or as little off the front of your bikini area as you want.

Contact our spa in South Loop for your next waxing appointment by visiting us online or calling 312.243.1940.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Nov 8, 2019

Benefits Of a Couples Massage With Your Partner

If you have ever experienced a massage yourself, you may wonder what it might be like to share this experience with your significant other. Here is why we think a couples massage from our massage spa in West Loop Chicago makes the perfect bonding activity for any couple.

Try Something New

After a while, routine dinner dates can start to feel a little boring. Skip the usual plans and spice up your love life by scheduling a couples massage. Sharing a new experience with your significant other will bring new excitement and strengthen your bond with each other. This sensual and intimate opportunity allows you to feel closer and more comfortable in your relationship.

Mindfulness With Partner

Massages have proven to help your mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety. Experiencing this state of mental relaxation with your partner will encourage better communication throughout your relationship. In addition, a massage helps to relieve toxins and encourage your body to produce serotonin. These happy hormones released during a couples massage from LillieAnn’s massage spa in West Loop Chicago will increase feelings of affection and intimacy with your partner.

Health Benefits

Couples massages hold the same health benefits as any other massage including increased circulation, boost in the immune system and promoted healing. Stop celebrating anniversaries with unhealthy habits like sugary treats and bottles of wine. Instead, share a relaxing experience that will make you both feel better in the long run.

Experience the joy and pleasure of a couples massage with your partner. Book your massage today at LillieAnn’s Massage Spa in West Loop Chicago by visiting us online or calling 312.243.1940.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Oct 15, 2019

Benefits Of Prenatal Massages

Arguably those that need the most relaxation are expectant mothers. Through research and investigation, massages have proven to be beneficial for pregnant women. Prenatal massage therapy has received ambivalent responses and can be an instrumental aspect of women’s prenatal care. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of prenatal massages at our spa in the West Loop.


Hormone Regulation

When a pregnant woman seeks massage therapy, hormone levels that are associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered. This means that with a prenatal massage, a woman is exposed to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health. Hormone level changes can lead to fewer birth complications when therapeutic massages are incorporated regularly.


Swelling Reduction

Joint swelling during pregnancy is normal and quite common, but massages help stimulate soft tissues, ultimately reducing the collection of fluids in swollen joints. The massage can help improve the removal of tissue waste that’s normally carried by the body’s lymph system.


Nerve Pain Reduction

Sciatic nerve pain is the pressure of the uterus as it spreads tension to the muscles of the upper and lower back. Nerve pain happens normally in late pregnancy as the uterus begins to rest on the muscles of the pelvic floor and lower back. Massage therapy can help address these inflamed nerves by releasing the tension on nearby muscles, giving women a significant reduction in sciatic nerve pain.


Ready to book your prenatal massage? Contact LillieAnn’s Spa in the West Loop today to book your appointment with one of our experienced massage therapists.


LillieAnn's blog / posted on Sep 17, 2019