How Facials Can Help Fight Acne

If you have acne you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to treat. You may have already tried every cream and home remedy available, but our South Loop skin care specialists encourage you to experience the various benefits of our facials. Here’s how we can help you treat acne. 


Dead skin cells are one of the many factors that can cause acne breakouts. The over-accumulation of old cells can clog pores, ultimately forming a pimple. Our South Loop skin care specialists have mastered the art of gentle exfoliation to help remove any dead skin build-up. This will help give your skin that special glow in addition to fighting acne. 


Keeping your skin moisturized, while removing excess oil is the key to keeping your face balanced and clean. Facials help your skin achieve the perfect range of moisturization for healthy, uncontaminated pores. Moisturizing facials also help keep your face plump and soft for an overall and immediate improvement. 

Remove Buildup  

Some facials such as LillieAnn’s deep pore facial are specially designed to remove existing impurities. These facials use techniques to extract the dirt, oil and buildup that accumulate within your pores. This helps target irritated areas and reduce inflammation in your face. 

It’s important to remember while facials have ample benefits, they probably won’t clear your skin in just one treatment. Our South Loop skin care treatments each have a different and specific purpose. The best way to fight acne is to schedule a series of facials at LillieAnn’s. To schedule your next facial visit us online at or call 312.243.1940.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Jan 10, 2020