Preparing Your Skin for a Wax

Prime waxing season is here! Maybe you receive waxes often or maybe you’re a first-timer. Waxing is a great option to keep your skin smooth for weeks at a time without worrying about touch-ups or razor burn. At our Chicago spa, waxing becomes increasingly popular as the weather turns warm and less clothing is needed. Here are some things to keep in mind before heading to your next wax.

Inspect Your Skin

Look at the area of your body before going in to get it waxed. If you notice that your skin is inflamed or broken, you should consider rescheduling your appointment, so your skin can heal. Beauty marks and moles should be pointed out to one of our waxing professionals beforehand, so they can take the proper steps to protect them during the wax.

Allow Hair to Grow

It’s important your hair is long enough that the wax can grip it properly. But it should be a good middle-ground between short and long. If it’s too long, it’s hard for the wax to adhere and you’ll likely be in more pain. Aim for a sweet spot of a quarter of an inch or two-to-three weeks of growth in between appointments at our Chicago spa.

Moisturize and Exfoliate

Make sure to keep your skin moisturized leading up to the point of the appointment, as it allows the skin to release wax more easily. Also, gently exfoliate your skin a day or two before your appointment, as this will allow the wax to grab your hair instead of the surrounding skin.

If you have questions about proper preparation before getting a wax, don’t hesitate to call our Chicago spa today! Set up an appointment for your next wax; warm weather is right around the corner. Make sure your skin is prepared!

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Apr 12, 2018