Unexpected Benefits of a Massage

Getting a massage from our Chicago spa is a little slice of heaven during your hectic schedule. Every so often, it’s completely warranted to treat yourself to some alone time that allows you to relax. However, beyond relaxation, massages offer many other unexpected benefits that you may not have previously thought about. Here’s some more incentive to book a salon at our Chicago spa!

Lessens Migraines

Headaches and migraines can completely ruin your day, and they seem to come at the worst times. A study at the University of Auckland found that those who suffered from intense headaches found relief with regular massage therapy over a period of several weeks.

Relieves Muscle Pain

Sore muscles are often a side effect of strenuous movements like working out or even pulling a muscle. Inflammation is the main culprit of muscle soreness, so getting a massage is a great way to relieve muscles from this pain.

Helps Treat Chronic Pain

The umbrella of chronic pain includes soft tissue pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, disc issues and degenerative joints. Although you may not associate a massage from our Chicago spa with relief from chronic pain, many clients are happily surprised with the results.

Create a Youthful Appearance

Who doesn’t want to look younger?! Through gentle rubbing, massages help stimulate blood flow, which helps your skin look glowing and radiant. It also helps remove toxins out of cells, which is called lymphatic drainage. This process will add a pop of vitality in an otherwise dull complexion.

We think it’s time you treat yourself! Schedule an appointment for a massage at our Chicago spa, you won’t regret it!

Source: Reader’s Digest

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Jun 4, 2018