What to Know About Hot Stone Massages

The practice of placing hot stones on the body is one with ancient origins. The use of basalt, marine, or other kinds of stones in massage therapy is still very popular today, and many are drawn to this technique due to the physical and emotional relief it provides.

What Are the Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage?

This therapy can have a tranquilizing effect; reducing stress, relieving pain, and promoting a sense of deep relaxation. Each therapy is tailored to the needs of the individual and this results in varied effects and experiences. The warm sensations of a hot stone massage are profoundly comforting to most who experience them, reducing tension in the body and mind alike. Some individuals dealing with insomnia may also find relief through this treatment.

How Should I Prepare for a Hot Stone Massage?

First, we recommend scheduling your massage on a day that will not be very hectic. This can help you get the most out of the experience and extend the effects of the massage. Avoid eating a heavy meal for at least an hour before your appointment and dress comfortably. When you arrive, be sure to communicate with your therapist about your preferences and any points on your body that need focus.

How Will the Stones Be Used?

The stones will be heated to between 130 and 145 degrees and will be placed on the areas your therapist identifies to best treat you. This could include on your spine, chest, stomach, palms, face, or even your feet and toes. Your therapist may also hold the stones and work them against your muscles manually in circular or stroking motions.

Our Massage Spa in Chicago

LillieAnn’s Massage and Spa in Chicago is a destination for individuals seeking relaxation from the stresses of the modern world. Visit us for hot stone or other types of therapeutic massage, skin care, and more.

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Mar 26, 2020