Seven Ingredients, 20+ DIY Beauty Recipes

It is extremely important to take care of your skin, as most times it is one of the first things people notice about you. But many of the cosmetics and lotions that are sold in stores contain chemicals that harm rather than help your skin. Luckily, there are some natural ingredients you can purchase to create your own homemade beauty products. They may be a bit more expensive initially, but they will last much longer than store-bought cosmetics and will save you money in the long run.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil might just be the most used natural beauty ingredient and will never go to waste because it can also be used in cooking. Coconut oil can work as a lotion on its own as well. Ordering in bulk will save you money, but smaller quantities will last you pretty long too.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is another popular ingredient used in many DIY beauty and cosmetic recipes. It has a nutty and earthy smell and is great for your skin. It has been known to improve eczema, prevent stretch marks, heal wounds, and can be used as a daily sunscreen and anti-aging treatment. 

Cocoa Butter

This chocolate-scented ingredient can be used interchangeably with shea butter and is great for a natural lotion or face cream.

Liquid Carrier Oil

For homemade beauty recipes that need to be thinner consistency than coconut oil and shea/cocoa butter, a liquid carrier oil can be a great alternative. Olive oil, almond oil, and apricot kernel oil can all be used as a carrier oil and differ in scents so you can choose whichever you like best.


Beeswax can be used as a thickening agent for lotions, lip balm, foot cream, baby care products, and more. A little goes a long way in most recipes so buying a pound will often last you months.

 Essential Oils

Essential oils aren’t totally necessary but they sure do smell good! Many of these ingredients have neutral scents so you can use essential oils to enhance or improve a smell. Mint, lavender, and lemon are very common in DIY beauty products.

Arrowroot Powder

Just like coconut oil, arrowroot powder is often used in cooking so it never hurts to have some lying around the house. This powder can be used as a thickening agent in homemade deodorant, dry shampoo, baby powder, and diaper cream, and makeup.

Courtesy of Wellness Mama

LillieAnn's blog / posted on Jul 12, 2017